New You" While Keeping Your Spirit Intact — SF YOGA MAG
New You" While Keeping Your Spirit Intact

New You" While Keeping Your Spirit Intact

All Images From Pexel

We all love the idea of self-improvement and continual evolution. But there's something sacred about your spirit - that core of your being that makes you who you are. It's a precious nugget that doesn't exist anywhere else in the universe and well worth preserving.

With that said, you can get caught up in the moment when embarking on a journey of self-transformation. You sometimes find yourself wanting to change everything, even if you should keep some elements of your persona. The trick is to balance one against the other. You want to update yourself, but you don't want to ignore your history. That would be a tragic loss. 

Creating a "new you," therefore, should mean creating an "improved" self. You're looking to grow as a person, improve your aesthetics, and generally boost your overall health and vitality. You've seen the light, and now you're going for it. 

Sort Your Teeth And Hair

Sorting your teeth is one of the simplest things you can do to create an updated version of yourself, and it doesn't require any drastic surgery that will change the essence of who you are. Instead, you're just improving your smile and making yourself healthier at the same time. 

According to Alignerco, straightening teeth isn't just a cosmetic procedure. Instead, it helps to remove all the nooks and crannies between teeth, preventing the buildup of plaque that could lead to tooth loss in the future. It also makes teeth easier to clean, reducing the chance of extraction for people in their fifties and sixties. 

Sorting out your hair is also surprisingly easy. And, like teeth stuff, it doesn't require any drastic, wholesale changes to your appearance. Instead, you're just freshening yourself up, making relatively small changes that have a considerable aesthetic impact. 

Make Time For Your Old Hobbies

Continually seeking personal improvement is good, but you need some anchors in your life. For many people, this means keeping up with old hobbies and really enjoying them. If you sang when you were younger, pick it up again. It's one of those things that you can improve over time, while at the same time, it is intimately related to who you are. 

Adjust Who You Spend Time With To Reflect Your Self-Improvement Goals

Bloggers like to say that people's personalities are a combination of the five people they spend the most time with. For highly empathetic people, this is especially the case. You tend to pick up on the traits of those around you, building them into your character. 

It is essential, therefore, that you choose the people you spend time with wisely. They can have a massive impact on how you eventually turn out. To be the best person you can be, spend time with people who are "better" than you somehow. Look for those who have genuine integrity and feed off their virtue. 

In summary, transformations are potentially risky. They can go wrong. Ideally, you want to hold onto your sacred spirit and keep it intact. It's unique and valuable. Focus instead of self-improvement and become a better version of yourself. 

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