Simple Tips To Improve Your Breathing During Yoga Practice — SF YOGA MAG
Simple Tips To Improve Your Breathing During Yoga Practice

Simple Tips To Improve Your Breathing During Yoga Practice

Cover Image From Pixabay

Breathing is such an important part of yoga practice but it can be difficult to master for beginners. We don’t tend to pay attention to our breathing on a day to day basis so when you start practising yoga, it can be difficult to adjust to a new style of breathing. When you are focused on learning new poses and making sure that you are holding them correctly, it’s easy to forget about breathing. If you are struggling to get to grips with your breath during yoga sessions, here are a few simple things that you can try.

Deal With Shortness Of Breath 

In some cases, people find it hard to breathe properly during yoga practice because they struggle from shortness of breath, and it’s important that you deal with this. There are a lot of reasons why people have shortness of breath, but smoking is a big one. If you are a smoker, shortness of breath is very common so you should make an attempt to give up if you are serious about your yoga practice. If you are finding it hard, you should buy an e-cigarette and get some cheap vape juice online. This will help you to make the transition from smoking a lot easier. Anxiety is another common cause of shortness of breath, and although yoga will help with this a lot, you should consider speaking with a doctor if it is particularly bad. By dealing with your shortness of breath, you should find it a lot easier to maintain breathing during yoga. 

Be Conscious Of Your Breathing

Being conscious of your breathing is so important during yoga, and this is something that you should practice outside of sessions as well because it’s a skill that you need to develop. Conscious breath has a positive impact on your wellbeing and as you develop that skill, you will carry it over into your yoga sessions. Start by placing a hand on your stomach and breathing deeply through your nose. You should feel your stomach move while your chest stays relatively still. Pay attention to how the breath feels as it moves through your body and this will help you to become more conscious of your breath in general. 

Breathe Into The Stretch 

You have probably heard your yoga teacher telling you to breathe into the stretch, and this is very important. When you are in a tough pose and you are finding it difficult to hold, you often hold your breath or breathe irregularly without realizing it. This makes it harder to hold the pose effectively and it makes it more difficult to maintain steady breathing. When you are in a difficult pose, make sure to focus on your breathing and breathe into the stretch. You will find that you are a lot more stable and it’s a lot easier to keep a steady breathing rhythm.

When you first start practising yoga, it can be difficult to remember to focus on your breathing. But if you follow these simple steps, it will come naturally to you after a while. 

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