Just Ask Jeni-Ji: Is Something Going On With Me And Around Me Because I Can't Get Things Going For Myself. — SF YOGA MAG
Just Ask Jeni-Ji: Is Something Going On With Me And Around Me Because I Can't Get Things Going For Myself.

Just Ask Jeni-Ji: Is Something Going On With Me And Around Me Because I Can't Get Things Going For Myself.

Cover Photo By Dennis Ottink

Is something going on with me and around me because I cant get things going for myself. It is as if if I’m stuck.

Namaste Scott and thank you for reaching out with your question!

The first thing I will tell you is to stop being so hard on yourself. The world has changed forever and you are carrying a lot of pent up energy which has caused much unrest in your soul and nervous system. We are in a karmic spiritual war and much darkness has come to the surface and has been exposed and yet there is more soon to come. Your soul has been trying to communicate to you for a while. However when there is chaos in the monkey mind you will not hear your soul speak. Your inner guru wants to show you who you are and what your souls’ purpose is here in this lifetime. There are no road maps with your soul, only our inner gps .

When you worry you will create fear.  The secret of existence is to have no fear. When you are doing your best to shift forward you will find that your energy is pushing against you which is to be expected. The more you try to force your thoughts and mind to give you the answer, the more resistance you will have. Your resistance allows you to gain momentum and traction. For every 3 steps backwards, you are taking 3 steps forward. Remember what works for others may not resonate with you. Just recognize what you are resisting and stay positive. Your soul wants you to follow your passions. We all have our own unique gifts to share with others. Let go of your subconscious patterns of uncertainty that are holding you back from prosperity and radiate pure unconditional love of gratitude to yourself and others who have shared your journey with you. Any unresolved stuck energy of fear prevents you from shifting and moving forward. The energy will be dormant until you change your thought patterns and move to a more a positive attitude. This will change the vibrational frequency you send out to source of your worthiness - which by the way goes back to many of your previous life times. If we do not encounter difficulties in life, we may not search our soul to see our true purpose.

I see you as a story teller who has much to share with the world. You are holding yourself back from communicating truth. You may find you could get drawn into creating stories on film/writing/photography/public speaking/etc. Surrender and allow the universe to cocreate for you. I can feel a lot of strength you carry within as I scan your energy. You have leadership abilities. Release your anger. I keep hearing music around you as well. You have many talents. Uncertainty creates transformation because your soul will push you to create and your fear will end. Pain pushes you to transcend and transform. Grace comes when you are at peace.

“I surrender absolutely everything and put my trust and faith in God, knowing all my needs will be met, especially in difficult times.”

I would suggest that you start each morning with saying a positive mantra/affirmation regardless what challenges you have. Change the collective psychology of your mind and command your subconscious to give you the will and strength to overcome any challenges. Words will change the biochemistry in your body, and you will feel what is right and what does not resonate with you. No problem is permanent. Irritation blocks the life force which runs through your nervous system then goes into the bones and negativity goes right into your glands. When faced with a challenge say: “I’ve got this under control. All my needs are met with the universal flow of source.” Do not worry what anyone else thinks, it is your journey. Live in your heart, not in your head. We have to balance the mind and heart as one. Hold the light of your soul and anchor your sacred light within AND breathe. Peace is the highest bliss. We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace within ourself. Faith embraces life, dissolves fear and replaces worry with hope.

Silence the mind with daily meditations, spiritual practices, exercise, yoga, chanting, walks in nature or anything that resonates with your soul. When you come into complete silence, you will hear messages and be able let go. Distance yourself completely away from any drama and negativity from anyone which will pollute your aura. Set boundaries for yourself. It’s all about self love my friend. Dream from your heart and love with your soul.

May you walk in the light of soul with new eyes and see every day every moment as a gift.  

Om Shanti Om … Jeni Ji 

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