5 Supplements To Help You Sleep — SF YOGA MAG
5 Supplements To Help You Sleep

5 Supplements To Help You Sleep

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Sleep issues can be stressful and draining, and feeling stressed further contributes to poor sleep. When you are experiencing sleeping problems the first thing you should do is make your sleeping environment as comfortable as possible. Try purchasing a memory foam mattress, weighted blankets and blackout blinds. Besides these ideas, there are many different herbal supplements you can try to improve your sleep.

1 . Valerian Root

Valerian root is a kind of perennial flower native to Asia. You can purchase valerian root in the form of teas or capsules. The substance is said to have both sedative effects and anti-anxiety properties. Valerian contains valeric acid and isovaleric acid, these ingredients help to produce a calming effect in the mind and body.

Research published by the National Institute of Health suggested that valerian was useful for individuals with insomnia or sleep issues. The study involved 128 people who consumed 400mg of valerian root over a period of nine nights. The data revealed ‘a statistically significant improvement in subjectively measured sleep.’

2. Melatonin

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone which helps to control our sleep cycles. Research from the Sleep Medicine Reviews discusses the ‘importance of melatonin in treating first-degree sleep disorders.’ Those who suffer from trouble sleeping can benefit from taking a melatonin supplement 30 minutes before they go to bed. After a week of taking melatonin you should start to notice the difference in your sleep patterns.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium is a mineral that helps to maintain the health of our nerves and muscles. It can be found in many foods including nuts, whole grains, avocado and mackerel. One study from the Journal Of Research in Medical Sciences discovered that magnesium improved the symptoms of insomnia. You can simply add more magnesium to your diet or try taking a supplement.

4. Chamomile 

Chamomile is a white flowered plant from the Asteraceae plant family. You can purchase chamomile in capsule form or  tea. As well as improving sleep, chamomile is helpful to boost your blood sugar and improve digestive health. It can have a pleasant and earthy taste. When drinking chamomile tea try adding a dash of honey to make it extra delicious.

Many people wonder, are supplements worth it? What works for one person may not work for another. To find the best sleep supplement for you it’s advisable to try out a few different options. Always follow the stated dose and do not take more than one type of sleep supplement per night.

5. CBN Oil

CBN is one of the compounds found in the marjuana plant. CBN is similar to CBD oil, both compounds do not produce a ‘high’ effect yet are useful for pain relief, sleep disorders and anxiety. When you are shopping for cbn oil it’s important to get a high quality product from a reputable source. For an excellent cbn oil try Bloom Farms CBD. If you are taking any prescription drugs you’ll need to check with a health professional before taking any new supplements.

To help you out further, you could try using a sleep app. There are several useful sleep apps including Headspace, Calm and Slumber. Each of these focus on meditation and mindfulness as well as sleep.

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