Dealing With Those Days When You're Just So Tired — SF YOGA MAG
Dealing With Those Days When You're Just So Tired

Dealing With Those Days When You're Just So Tired

Cover Photo By Pexels

Some days, getting out of bed can seem like a real chore. Let’s be real, you’d much rather just lie there and soak up a bit more sleep and relaxation, and stay cozy under the covers. And sure, on your days off, and during the weekends, you can let yourself do just that! But when there’s work to be done, or you’ve got some events to commit to today, you’re going to need to get up and get going

But when you’ve got little to no energy to help you through the day, despite getting a full night’s sleep and having seemingly no reason to feel like your motivation is through the floor, this is a nightmarish task! What can you do? Well, with the tips below, we hope to help you feel a bit stronger and more energetic on these days when you’re just so tired - you deserve to let yourself get out, feeling your best and like you can handle anything that comes your way!

Have Some Protein at Mealtimes

Protein is the number one nutrient for helping your body to create and store energy. It’s in a lot of superfoods, such as eggs and fish and whole wheat loaves, and you’re going to want to pack it into your meals on days when you’re feeling lethargic, or when you didn’t get a good night’s sleep. 

Protein is also simple to put into snacks as well. As we mentioned above, if you’ve just got a loaf of whole wheat bread lying around, get the peanut butter out of the cupboard and smear some on top of a slice. Yummy and energetic for your body! Make sure you grab an apple before you head out the door, and even think about ordering scrambled eggs for lunch, from a nearby restaurant or the cafeteria where you work. You could always pack them ahead of time too. 

Use Some Supplements

Supplements can be great for your brain and body, but when it comes to tackling tiredness throughout the day, it might be worth it to invest in some energy supplements. These are good for people who just need a quick hit short term, such as on busy days or at work and just need to get through a meeting or presentation without issue. 

Not to mention supplements are super easy to take, and fit into your diet - look into quality brands, such as this Brainzyme review, and then go pick up some supplements from the shop. All you need to do is follow the directions on the bottle! What could be simpler for ensuring you’re not feeling like a zombie for the rest of the day? 

Grab a Drink

A drink is always going to help you feel a bit less tired than you were five minutes ago, simply according to the rule of dehydration. But don’t just reach for any old bottle of soda or juice here - you’re going to want to depend on water most of all. Water is what your body depends on the most when you’re out and about; if you’ve got a long day ahead, filling up a water bottle to take with you could help to keep you on your toes. 

Have Some Fun

And of course, there’s always the old and reliable method of doing something fun to shake off that lethargy you’re feeling! If you can get involved with something that makes you feel good, and that can keep you occupied for hours on end, you’re going to be able to shake off that bone deep feeling as you get more and more into the proceedings. 

It’s a great way to distract your mind, and get your thoughts off of just how tired you feel, and how much you want to go back to bed. So, depend on your hobbies here! 

Of course, this won’t work with every activity - if you’re planning to just do a bit of reading, you might find yourself dozing off as you work your way down the page. But, if you’ve got a bat in the shed and a ball to borrow off a dog, you could always have an active game with a friend or family member to get the blood pumping! 

If you feel seriously lethargic now and then, and you’re sure it’s not a medical issue, make sure you keep tips like these in mind for topping up your energy.

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