Importance Of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment — SF YOGA MAG
Importance Of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

Importance Of Atrial Fibrillation Treatment

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If you get atrial fibrillation, you will likely experience irregular and often rapid heart rate that can increase the possibility of strokes, heart failure, and other heart-related complications. It is a condition that makes the two upper chambers of the heart beat irregularly. They often do it out of coordination with the two lower chambers of the heart. If you experience atrial fibrillation in Frisco, it can feel weird and frightening, but it is good to seek help from a specialist. However, the attack alone does not have harmful consequences by itself. The real danger comes from an increased risk for stroke and other related heart problems. As such, it is essential to seek treatment.

Your specialist determines the most appropriate treatment, and in most cases, it depends on how long you have had atrial fibrillation, how critical your symptoms are, and the underlying cause. Likewise, your doctor will consider other factors such as other heart problems or if medication is enough treatment. But why is atrial fibrillation treatment necessary? The following is a guideline on its importance:

Resetting the heart’s rhythm

Atrial fibrillation treatment's primary purpose is to ensure that the heart rate and rhythm are reset to normal. Your specialist will seek to use a cardioversion procedure, but it depends on the underlying cause of your condition and how long you have been living with it. If your doctor decides this is the perfect treatment for you, the procedure is done in two ways: electrical cardioversion and cardioversion with drugs.

To reduce the risk of stroke

A stroke can be fatal, and why take the risk when you can do something about it? With a type of blood-thinner medication like warfarin, apixaban, rivaroxaban or dabigatran, you can reduce your clotting risk. Your medication decisions are made based on your assessment of stroke risk. Ideally, you ensure your body does not get unnecessary clots, minimizing the chances of having a stroke.

Heart rate control

The last thing you need is your heart beating faster or slower than it should. It affects your blood flow which can lead to severe complications. Atrial fibrillation treatment allows you access to medications that control how fast your heart beats and restores it to the optimum rate. Your specialist might prescribe the following drugs:

  • Digoxin: This medication is used to control the heart rate at rest. Not advisable to use during activity.

  • Beta-blockers: These are an ideal option and can control the heart rate, whether at rest or during activity.

  • Calcium channel blockers: They are a good alternative in heart rate control, but should be avoided if someone has heart failure or low blood pressure.

Treating underlying disorders

If you have a thyroid problem or high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation treatment can help you keep them under control. Your specialist will give you medication that goes further to manage your conditions. Surgery can also be advisable where necessary.

Atrial fibrillation can cause conditions that can be fatal, so seeking treatment is always a wise idea. Just make sure you work with a qualified specialist to help you understand your treatment needs and options.

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