Essential Issues To Know Concerning Hand Injuries

Essential Issues To Know Concerning Hand Injuries

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Injuries have become very common today. This is because of the activities that people are involved in. Physical activities such as sports, wrestling, and working out may cause injuries to a person. Injuries can occur at any body part, but the most commonplace is the hand. Research shows in case of an accident, the hand is prone to get more injuries. La Jolla hand injuries center has experts in handling patients who get injuries. For more information on hand injuries, book an appointment.

What are the standard hand injuries?

Our hands comprise 19 gentle metacarpal and phalangeal bones along each carpal bone. Muscle tendons and ligaments are responsible for holding together the tiny bones in the hands. These muscles, tendons, and ligaments make all the parts of the hand stronger. The smaller bones and muscles are more prone to injuries, especially if a person is physically active. The most common hand injuries include the following:

·   Thumb sprains.

·   Baseball finger injury

·   Jersey's finger

·   Tendonitis

·   Proximal interphalangeal joint dislocation

·   Arthritis

·   The boutonniere deformities, among others.

How are the hand injuries diagnosed and treated?

A thorough examination is first done on the injured part of the hand to determine how severe the injury is. The doctors generally try to feel your bones, muscles, and tendons to find signs of inflammation or any other abnormalities. When necessary, the doctor may order x-rays, MRIs, and nerve conduction studies to confirm the diagnosis or locate where the injury is. After diagnosis, customized treatment plans are made. The treatment plans usually include operative and nonoperative therapies. The most preferred therapy is the nonoperative techniques. They include the following:

·   Physical therapy.

·   Bracing.

·   Compression.

·   Anti-inflammatory injections.

How do you know if you have severe hand injuries?

You will know if you have severe hand injuries if you experience the following signs:

·   If you experience severe bleeding, especially to the hand region where the injuries occurred.

·   If you still can not feel your hand after an injury.

·   If your hand loses its strength after the injury.

·   If you experience signs of infections such as tenderness, redness, swelling, and fever.

·   Persistent feeling of severe pain.

When should you visit a doctor for a hand injury?

You should ensure that you consult a doctor when you feel symptoms such as persistent and severe pain, swelling, and numbness. Other signs that should indicate that it is time to visit a doctor are arm weaknesses, spasms, and radiating pain.

What are the benefits of hand therapy?

Hand injuries may lead to arthritis if not properly looked into by a therapist. Some of the benefits involved in hand therapy include:

·   The therapy helps reduce chronic joint pain.

·   It also desensitizes nerves after an injury or trauma.

·   It also boosts increasing motion and arm strength.

·   The therapy can also be used to prevent other health problems such as arthritis.

In summary, hand injuries are common, and very little is known about them. It is advisable that you visit the nearest hospital in case of any hand injury to get a proper checkup to avoid further complications.

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