Factors Affecting The Fertility Of A Female- Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant — SF YOGA MAG
Factors Affecting The Fertility Of A Female- Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Factors Affecting The Fertility Of A Female- Increase Your Chances Of Getting Pregnant

Being pregnant is one of the dreams of every female. It is the most beautiful phase of one’s life. Some females are born-lucky and get pregnant in a few months of trying while others may have to try for more time. A number of factors affect the ability to get pregnant. Sometimes, medical conditions are responsible for a female that hinder the pregnancy. If you are struggling with a baby, you should contact South Charleston fertility evaluation so that you can realize your dreams. A few factors that affect the fertility of a female are mentioned below:

Age of a female

It is a well-known fact that age makes a great difference when it comes to getting pregnant.  At a young age, the quality eggs of a female increases the chances of getting pregnant. As the female ages, the quality of eggs decreases, and she has to struggle or even look for alternate ways to get pregnant. After the late 30s and 40s, the chances are reduced to a great extent. Not only females, but males also lose their sperm count as they age. 

Lifestyle and habits

One of the reasons why fertility is adversely affected is due to stressful lifestyles and bad habits. It is strongly recommended to eliminate stress and anxiety with the help of Yoga and meditation. It can improve the overall health of both males and females. Likewise, drinking alcohol and smoking can reduce the chances of getting pregnant for a female. In males, drinking too much alcohol can affect the sperm count and erection that can cause problems for a female to get pregnant.

Timing of intercourse

In a female, the 12th day till 14th day after getting periods is the best time to have sex and get pregnant. The female is ovulating during this time. If you have irregular periods, you should get in touch with a gynecologist who can suggest the best time and duration to have sex with your partner if you are planning for a baby.

Eating healthy diet

One of the best ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant is to eat a healthy diet. This way, the hormones remain balanced, and the body functions properly. You must include proteins, vitamins, and minerals in your daily diet and stay healthy.

If you are still struggling, you can contact a healthcare provider. A number of options are also available in the medical field.

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