Why Western Medicine Includes Herbal Remedies, And Why You Should Too — SF YOGA MAG
Why Western Medicine Includes Herbal Remedies, And Why You Should Too

Why Western Medicine Includes Herbal Remedies, And Why You Should Too

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Nowadays, in Western countries, the use of food supplements has become a reflex for a third of the population. Our primary motivation is often to find more natural solutions than the chemical molecules of drugs to relieve our daily ailments.

Food supplements are a concentrated source of nutrients or other substances having a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in combination with each other. They are found in the form of capsules, lozenges, tablets, ampoules, or sachets. If previously we were offered few associations, today food supplements offer a real cocktail of active ingredients, combined in a coherent way to respond to the same problem. They come to respond to our current lifestyles. We run everywhere and no longer take enough time to eat properly to provide our body with the daily intake it needs. They have become our allies in relieving or preventing the physiological inconveniences that beset us. They are not drugs but are a natural alternative to fight against stress, fatigue, anxiety, nervousness, sleep disorders, digestive disorders, urinary discomfort and other female discomfort, weight problems, skin, hair or nail problems. We also talk about food supplements when they supplement a diet lacking in certain substances useful to the body. This is the case, for example, for vegetarians or vegans who need vitamin B12 from outside their diet, for example.

The history of dietary supplements began in the 1970s when American chemist and physicist Linus Pauling pioneered orthomolecular nutrition. It is about "relieving people by an optimal supply of substances naturally present in nature". Now, we can implement these supplements into our daily lives and enjoy the benefits too. 

Food supplements: If you're concerned about inducing too much.

If food supplements are often associated with a notion of better health, their excessive consumption can have the opposite effect. However, an extensive study carried out throughout Europe, reveals that these products are becoming more and more widespread and that the phenomenon is not always controlled. A study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, reveals that 28.1% of women and 14.6% of men have ingested supplements, with magnesium in the lead, preferred to take vitamins B6 and C and felt the most benefit. Yet all too often their consumption is irrelevant, and in some cases, it can be dangerous.

In 41% of cases, subjects reported taking it to fight fatigue, and 33.8% of the time to stay healthy. However, it could be that sometimes, this supplementation generates the opposite effects. The authors consider that a balanced diet is more than sufficient to provide all the necessary nutrients. However, it turns out that the people most used to food supplements are typically women, following the nutritional recommendations of the national nutrition health program rather well, having a healthy diet and lifestyle (more sport, less tobacco etc.).

Different studies have shown that food complements are valuable in compensating for dietary deficiencies, but are useless or even in some cases not recommended if the daily intake of nutrients is sufficient. It is always good to get the opinion of a healthcare professional, to ensure that you are not taking supplements that may hinder your body instead of aid. Everybody has a set of individual needs - this should be remembered. 

How to choose what is right for you.

Food supplements are concentrated sources of nutrients, i.e. vitamins and minerals, substances for nutritional or physiological purposes, or plants and plant preparations which aim to compensate for the deficiencies of the diet of a person's regular food. These are characteristic of a food supplement:

  • Concentrated source of one or more nutrients

  • Often specific to certain pathologies, situations or periods of life

  • In no way substitutes for a balanced and varied diet

  • Compliance with dosages is essential to avoid the risk of overdose.

  • Self-medication strongly discouraged

Supplements can come in different forms: capsules, lozenges, tablets, pills, sachets of powder, ampoules of liquid, bottles fitted with a dropper, solutions, etc. The advertising, promotion and labelling of food supplements should not state that these products have properties that prevent, treat or cure any disease. They should also not suggest that they replace a varied and healthy diet. Likewise, they should not claim that a varied diet does not contain enough vitamins and minerals. As for the plants used in food supplements, they must be on the list of which the free sale is authorized.

There are various categories of vitamin supplements on the market. Here is a list of the most sought after and most present supplements on the market:

  • Food supplements for hair and beard

  • Protein-based food supplements for bodybuilding and sport

  • Food supplements to gain weight or lose weight

  • Organic and natural food supplements

  • Food supplements in iron, zinc and antioxidants

  • Food supplements specific to pregnancy

  • Food supplements against osteoarthritis

What are nutri-cosmetics? Nutri-cosmetics is a term from the cosmetics industry which designates any food supplement that acts on the health of the hair, skin, nails, eyelashes, etc. This term can also refer to supplements intended for weight loss, cellulite decrease, muscle mass gain, etc. Among the vitamins and minerals favored by Nutri-cosmetics, we find vitamin C which promotes the maintenance of firm and elastic skin by stimulating the production of collagen and proteins that help protect the skin, hair and nails by activating the production of keratin. Iron also helps strengthen nails and omega-3s, which play an essential role in cell renewal.

Supplements that are beneficial across all areas of health. 

There are some supplements that everyone can benefit from, and when they are consumed in smaller doses, can boast huge benefits. As always, however, please consult your doctor before adding any new supplements into your diet. Your health and medical needs should always come first. You should also be well aware of what you are ingesting if you have any pre-existing conditions or medications.


Zinc is a trace element essential to the body in small quantities. It has long been recognized for its many health benefits. Indeed, it is a powerful antioxidant which stimulates the immune system and which has a beneficial action on the skin and the hair. Zinc also allows the synthesis of prostaglandins, derivatives of Omega fatty acids (3 and 6). Prostaglandins have an anti-inflammatory role and protect the body from the harmful effects of chronic inflammation. Besides, zinc increases the production of T lymphocytes and allows their activation. Therefore, it has an interesting anti-infective action. It is incredible for the immune system also.

Ginger Root

Ginger has been known in many countries around the world for its culinary value, but also for its therapeutic virtues, for more than 5,000 years. It can be used to fight infections, fatigue, muscle pain and, above all, digestive problems (vomiting, diarrhoea). Ginger also has aphrodisiac, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It can be ingested as a powder or a regular supplement or even as a tea. Even so, the benefits are huge. 

Black Elderberry

The berries and flowers of elderberries are packed with antioxidants. They also contain vitamins that can massively boost your immune system. They could also work to control inflammation and protect your heart. It is also believed that it could be a remedy for certain seasonal illnesses such as the flu or even your regular cold. Choosing the best black elderberry product is vital, so it's good to be informed.

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening primrose is a biennial plant native to the North American continent. It was well known to Native Americans who used it for its anti-inflammatory and respiratory softening properties. Its flowering tops, when boiled, were also used as a fertility treatment and can greatly boost the health of a woman's uterus. This is also seen among women who are going through menopause; it can help regulate the hormonal changes and allow a smoother transition. 


Whilst this is still a supplement of debate, it has already had some proven benefits. Studies have been performed over several years. The first study of the effect of mucuna looked at its impact on the reproductive system of infertile people. In this experiment, scientists showed that in people with stress-related infertility, taking 5g a day of mucuna seed powder for 90 days increased sperm volume by 688% in infertile men and 32% in healthy men. Blood cortisol levels were also reduced. 

Lemon balm

It is distinguished by its relaxing, sedative and calm nature. It is used most of the time to tone the nervous system. It is also very effective in reducing and treating tachycardia, stomach and colon spasms, migraines, painful periods, etc. Likewise, in case of anxiety, lemon balm will be used to calm you down and even to put you to sleep. It has, among other things, antiviral properties, very useful for the fatigue of the immune system.

Mint oil

It has antiseptic, stimulating and antispasmodic properties, and is generally used to stimulate the functions of the stomach and the liver. You can adapt it as a summer herbal tea or as a compress on a sunburn. Likewise, if you suffer from cholesterol and blood circulation problems, you can use this plant, which is very effective thanks to its antioxidant character. However, you should avoid taking it at night: it could cause you insomnia or restless sleep.

Please always look into the benefits and side effects of any supplements as well as speaking with your doctor about any lifestyle changes.

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