Meeting Your Medical Needs At Home — SF YOGA MAG
Meeting Your Medical Needs At Home

Meeting Your Medical Needs At Home

Cover Photo By Pexels

In 2020 we have all been reminded just how crucial our health is. The phrase “Health is wealth!” is bandied around all the time, but when you actually consider its message, it is absolutely true. Our health is the most precious thing we have, and to take it for granted is to do ourselves a disservice. Nevertheless, sometimes health problems come up which are not in our control; in this case, we need to learn how best to react and work through any medical needs that arise.Of course, if something serious happens you should see a doctor immediately. There are some things only a trained medical professional can solve. However, for minor medical needs, there are ways to ensure you are prepared at home for anything that comes up which doesn’t require hospital care. Here are just a few ways you can meet your medical needs at home.

Have an up-to-date first aid kit

Having an up-to-date first aid kit at home is vital for any minor slips, cuts or aches you experience. Your at home first aid kit might include:

  • Medical gauze. This can be used to wrap cuts and scrapes to prevent them from becoming infected.

  • Antiseptic spray. This can range from drugstore wound spray to hydrolyzed collagen for more advanced wound care. Spraying a cut or scrape with this can instantly kill bacteria and prevent infection.

  • Painkillers. For headaches and hangovers, make sure you are stocked up on aspirin and other everyday over-the-counter painkillers.

  • Plasters. Every first aid kit needs plasters - you never know when you might need one. 

  • A thermometer. If you have a fever, it’s great to have a thermometer to check your temperature, and make sure you aren’t reaching dangerously high temperatures. 

  • Rash cream. A cream like sudocrem which helps soothe red, itchy skin is useful in case of allergies, bug bites or chafing. 

  • Eye drops. 

Keep tabs on your own health

Meeting your own medical needs can also encompass simply keeping an eye on your health. If you check in with yourself every day and notice how you are feeling and how your body is doing, you could spot more serious symptoms early on. This could include:

  • Monitoring your tiredness levels. If you are feeling extremely tired with no real change to your routine, this could mean you are experiencing low iron intake, or something more serious.

  • Doing your own breast/prostate checks. At any age over 25, you should be conducting regular checks on your breasts or prostate which are recommended by doctors. These check for any lumps or abnormalities which, if found, should be checked ASAP by a doctor. These self-examinations help you to spot any signs of breast or prostate cancer as early as possible.

  • Exercising and eating well. Begin implementing healthy choices into your routine, and discover how your body and mind feel better!

All in all, meeting your medical needs at home can mean many things; you know yourself better than anyone. Use this helpful guide to ensure you have all bases covered at home.

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