5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Stress — SF YOGA MAG
5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Stress

5 Unexpected Side Effects Of Stress

Cover Photo By Pixabay

It’s a well known fact that stress plays havoc with your health. If you are overworked and you don’t find ways to manage your stress, you increase your risk of developing mental health issues and you may suffer from physical fatigue. But some of us do not take stress seriously because we underestimate the impact that it can have. There are actually a lot of hidden side effects of stress that most people are unaware of. These are some of the unexpected side effects of stress that you should watch out for.

Eye Conditions 

There are certain eye conditions, like blepharitis, which can be brought on by excessive stress. If you notice that you have red, itchy eyes, you may be suffering from blepharitis and although there are other causes, stress has a big role to play. There are some great blepharitis natural cures that you can use and your doctor will also be able to prescribe treatments. However, if you notice that you are suffering from these kinds of eye conditions on a regular basis, you need to find ways to manage your stress levels. 

Skin Problems 

If you have a skin condition of some kind, like eczema or rosacea, high stress levels can cause flare ups and make the symptoms a lot worse. Even if you do not already have an underlying skin condition, stress can lead to hives, itchiness, and excessive sweating. That’s why stress relief is one of the best skin care tips there is. 

Gut Problems 

We are only now starting to realize just how important gut health is. The bacteria in your gut has a big impact on your health in a lot of different ways, and stress can seriously harm your gut health if you are not careful. When people are stressed, they often find that they have a lot of digestive issues and may even develop more serious problems like irritable bowel syndrome. 

Weakened Immune System 

A strong immune system is so important for fighting illness and staying healthy, but if you are suffering from severe stress, your immune system will be weakened. If you find that you are always getting sick and it takes you a long time to recover when you are ill, it is likely that your immune system is being affected by stress. 

Heart Problems 

As you get older, it is important that you look after your heart health. A good diet and regular exercise are a very important part of this, but you should also keep an eye on your stress levels. The stress hormone cortisol has been shown to increase your chance of developing heart conditions in later life. Stress also increases your blood pressure, and that has a negative effect as well. If you want to be healthy in later life, it is vital that you find ways to manage your stress levels. You also might invest in getting an AED.

Most people are aware of the mental health implications of stress, but there are so many other side effects, so make sure that you find ways to keep on top of your stress.

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