Supplements: Are They Really Worth It? — SF YOGA MAG
Supplements: Are They Really Worth It?

Supplements: Are They Really Worth It?

Cover Photo By Pexels

You will know by now that some people swear by supplements, while others claim they are simply a money-making scam. Whether or not you have actually used supplements before, and whether they work for you or not, you might be curious to know what makes a supplement worth the money. All supplement brands claim that their products will change your life and make your body healthier; is it all true, or are they just having you on? In general, supplements do work - but only if they are an addition to, not a replacement of, a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some criteria to consider when shopping for your next supplements!

The Brand

There are hundreds and hundreds of supplement brands out there. Which ones should you choose? The more important question is: does it matter which one you choose? Of course, there are higher end brands whose supplements are definitely better quality, but of course, more expensive too. But what else do the different brands have to offer, and how can you assess them?

Firstly, take a look at who endorses these brands. If the supplement is recommended by doctors and nutritionists or dieticians, the chances are it is of high quality. Doctor formulated supplements will have more research behind them, giving you a good indication of its quality and effectiveness. Similarly, take a look at where and how it is sold and manufactured. Sellers like Amazon give less of an indication of whether the supplement is good quality; others like Holland and Barrett, for example, offer only natural, high quality supplements - so you know it is worth it.

The Ingredients

It’s hard to tell which ingredients are actually good for you, unless you are a doctor yourself. All supplements will contain beneficial ingredients which help enhance your overall health. But are there any bad ingredients to avoid that are found in low quality supplements?

According to Bio Balance, you should avoid supplements which contain additives, colorings and flavorings. In addition, hydrogenated oil, which is derived from soya beans and genetically modified, is found in many supplements and has been proven to cause health issues. Always read your supplement label before buying!

Patience Is Key

The number one test of a supplement is: do they work? The problem is, a lot of people don’t actually allow their bodies enough time to react to supplements before they decide. Once you start taking your supplements, you should not expect to see or feel any results for a few weeks, at the very least. If you don’t feel or see any changes, where changes are promised (for example taking protein supplements for muscle gain) after three months or so, then perhaps this isn’t the product for you. 


Everyone’s body is different, so every supplement will work differently for each individual person. If you are concerned about a supplement you are currently taking, or want to know more about effective supplements, contact your doctor for a discussion about how supplementing your diet can help your health!

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