How Yoga Can Help Mesothelioma Patients — SF YOGA MAG
How Yoga Can Help Mesothelioma Patients

How Yoga Can Help Mesothelioma Patients

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Many studies have shown that yoga therapy can benefit many cancer patients, including patients of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a malignant tumour that is caused by inhaled asbestos fibres, and forms in the lungs, abdomen, and heart. Yoga is known to relieve stress and to strengthen your musculoskeletal. Yoga can boost your energy levels and improve your body’s circulation and flexibility.

Yoga Helping Mesothelioma Patients

Yoga is a form of therapy that can be used for mesothelioma patients. Gentle yoga poses allow the patient to strengthen the body during and after the process of treatment. 

Yoga is a holistic approach to healing and is being more widely viewed as an option to tackle the physical discomfort for cancer, the discomfort of the side effects of cancer treatments. 

If you are a mesothelioma patient after being exposed to asbestos, remember to consult experienced mesothelioma lawyers for advice. You may experience a range of symptoms during your treatment. Treatment can be surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, which can cause symptoms including:

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Surgical pain

A doctor will prescribe solutions to help patients to manage pain and other side effects. Yoga can be added as a complementary healing approach to help. 

Benefits Of Doing Yoga

There is no cure for mesothelioma, but treatment can stabilize a patient’s condition. Alongside medical treatment, yoga has several benefits. 

It helps to clear toxins from the body

As you move through yoga poses, you’re doing a lot more than just moving your body. Yoga increases the flow of blood around the body. It helps to balance your glands, enhances your internal purification process, and improves your lymphatic flow. 

The deep and relaxing breaths that are part of yoga help to increase the amount of oxygen-rich blood that is delivered to your cells. This also delivers nutrients to your cells and clears the toxins left behind from your cancer treatment.

It helps reduce your stress and anxiety

Stress can weaken the immune system, which is the last thing you need when fighting cancer. Yoga is useful for relieving tension and anxiety that you might experience during your treatment. 

It is a method of exercising

Many mesothelioma patients are unable to exercise vigorously, even if they were very fit and active in the past. For example, they may experience shortness of breath or have difficulty breathing. 

Yoga can be easy and very peaceful. The gentleness allows the patient to still get some form of physical activity. When someone exercises regularly, they stimulate the natural defences in the body to fight illness. 

It’s a form of holistic healing

For patients going through chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation, yoga can give them some support that will help them both physically and emotionally. Yoga strengthens the body and works to restore motion and flexibility. Yoga also works to improve the immune system and can give the patient a greater sense of emotional well-being. 

Yoga can be an effective tool to be used alongside medical treatment for mesothelioma and other cancers. 

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